As a space clearing practitioner I receive many interesting phone calls from people with different situations and circumstances. The most common is from people who have had some kind of negative experience like a divorce or illness in the family and feel like the negativity or sadness is still lingering. I have also helped a couple of folks who have experienced a tragedy or have reported that there is an active spirit in their home.
But as of late, I have been getting more calls from people who feel a malevolent spirit is hanging around their home creating negative energy, darkness and fear among the inhabitants. Some of the common things reported are: -Cold damp pockets of air - dark shadows moving about -an uncomfortable feeling that they are being watched - dark thoughts, depression - frightening whispers - doors or cabinets being slammed - objects being thrown - a general feeling of dread in the home I want to emphasize here that many of us have experienced one or more of these. Most of us has seen shadows or felt like we were being watched at one time or another. I myself have had cold pockets of air in my home due to poor insulation. I never believed it to be anything more than just that because I did not experience any of those other events listed. If more than a few of these things are happening, however, it may be cause for concern. I as a practitioner, don’t feel fully equipped to handle this sort of thing. I am right up front with people about that. However, I do try to coach them to try to get to the bottom of why these things may be happening and provide them with suggestions. Here are some of the questions I ask: How long have you lived there and when did this start happening? Have you experienced these things since you moved in or did it begin some time after you moved there? The reason why I ask this is to clarify if the house accommodated this “spirit” before the new occupants moved in or if this is something that may have occurred with the new occupants. If the person has felt the presence from the moment they moved in then I ask the following: Do you know anything about the people who lived there before you? In one recent instance I was told that the landlord reported the previous tenants had the walls painted black with a pentagon on the floor with possible dried chicken blood! That to me was a clear cut case that something hostile was summoned into the house before this tenant even moved in. If the activity started happening after they have lived there for some time, then I ask the following questions: Have you had a recent personal tragedy, major unpleasant life event, or are suffering from severe depression or mental illness? I tell the client that they don’t necessarily have to answer this question as it is very personal, however, they might want to consider the possibility that they are experiencing something psychological in nature. If they think that might be the case, I urge them to seek counseling. Have you made any recent second hand purchases from yard sales, estate sales, antique stores, ebay or Craigslist etc.? Sometimes items can hold the spirit of the previous owner, or any other lifeform that may have dwelled in the place from which this item came. They might be upset, confused or angry about being displaced and may act out as a result. In general I perform a space clearing ceremony on anything I buy second hand because I never know what kind of environment it came from and what kind of energy is attached. Have you stayed in any old hotels or houses lately? I have heard of instances where people have brought home a spirit from a place they have stayed. People have claimed the spirit has become attached to them. I have to say, I’m not sure how I feel about that possibility but I don’t want to rule anything out. And I certainly don’t want to disclaim anything people really believe to be true. Although I truly feel unequipped to handle any of these situations I know of some effective ways to rid oneself of, well, “mean spirited” spirits. First and foremost it is recommended that your protect yourself. Despite what the movie industry would have you believe, I truly believe that you cannot be physically harmed by a ghost, anomaly or spirit. I do believe, however, that if you are experiencing anything that is making you feel uncomfortable in your own home, there are ways to beat it. A common solution is to surround yourself in white light. If you live or work with spiritual people you might hear this phrase a lot. What does it mean exactly and how do you do it? It means simply what it suggests. Sit quietly and get in touch with your higher self, God, the collective conscious, whatever you believe to be the good force or energy that is bigger than us. Ask it or imagine it shining a beam of bright white light over you so that it flows in and around you. Do the same with other inhabitants of your home. I even suggest that you surround your home as well. Once you feel protected, you will feel a little more empowered. Then just talk firmly to the spirit. Let it know that it is not wanted or welcome there. Remember to be firm. Let it understand that you are surrounded by good and you are not allowing it to affect you anymore. Tell, don’t ask, it to leave immediately. If you act strongly and firmly, you will allow it to have less and less power over you. Some people call on angels to help them. Archangel Michael is believed to be a protector. He is big, strong and powerful. Call on him to escort any malevolent spirits out of the house and to shield you from their negative force. Make it known that their time is done and you are no longer allowing them to dwell there. It has to come from you if you are the one it has chosen to pick on. After you have done this, continue to surround yourself with the light and the angels for weeks after. You will notice immediate changes. One last thing I suggest to my clients is that they call a priest who specializes in doing exorcisms. This may seem extreme, but if you are not comfortable about doing any of the above, then ask for their help. If you choose to do this, I suggest that you still protect yourself first. If you are not comfortable with picturing the white light and you are more traditional religious person, then ask God for help. Say traditional prayers that you may have learned growing up. The overall message here is that as long as you are calling on some kind of goodness, positive energy force, or higher vibration, you will have a sense of empowerment and control over the situation and will most likely see results. ~Mary Lorello Gonzalez
AuthorMary Lorello-Gonzalez is a certified Life Coach and Space Clearing Practitioner. Archives
May 2015
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